It's been a while since I did any embroidery, but I was given a commission recently to make ten linen laundry bags with the word "Laundry" embroidered on them. Linen is sooooo lovely to work with, I really must do it more often! I find the whole process really relaxing. And each piece tucks away nicely in my project bag, so I can just whip it out and do a few more letters whenever I have ten minutes spare. I'm about halfway through the embroidery now, having sewn a prototype bag to begin with so I know what I'm doing! Once I am all done with the sewing up I will blog the final result.
I'm also loving the knitting I am getting to do for my new niece! Here's a cute little hat I ran up last night:

And now, the bit you've all been waiting for ...
(In fact, admit it, you've all scrolled past the pictures to find out if you've won, haven't you??? Huh?)
The winner of the Giveaway is Renee G! Congratulations!! I will send you an email for your address and pop your prize in the post to you. Thank you all very much for entering!